The Monument of Martha Christina Tiahahu, Remembering the Brave Girl from Maluku

The Monument of Martha Christina Tiahahu – Maluku

The Martha Christina Tiahahu Monument is located in the Karang Panjang area, about 10 minutes from downtown Ambon. Because the location of the monument is at elevation, the tourists can watch the sparkling expanse of Ambon City glittering at night. From this place, the high seas can be seen clearly. We can see the view of Ambon City. This location is usually used as an alternative place to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, especially young people who want to enjoy the view of Ambon City.

Historically, Martha Christina Tiahahu grew up in a warrior family. Even at a very young age, Christina was able to raise a spear and fight with her father and Pattimura troops.

Her never-ending fighting spirit made him have to deal with the bars of the Dutch colonial prison. Together with her father Christina was caught, his father was sentenced to death which made Christina’s mentally shaken. After being exiled to Java, Christina breathed her last when she was almost 18 years old.

To commemorate her struggle, at the bottom of the monument written an inscription that reads, “Martha C Tiahahu, pearl of Nusa Laut, National Hero of the Republic of Indonesia, who fought to expel the Dutch invaders from Maluku, fell on January 2, 1818.”

Because of her great courage in fighting Dutch firearms only with stones, the people of Maluku called her as woman of Kabessi (brave). Her name is also used as a road name in Karangpanjang.


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