Penglipuran Village As The Pure Culture Village in Bali

A village that is still bound by customs that lived for centuries, usually has its own uniqueness. That is Penglipuran Village, which upholds the concept of Tri Hita Karana, the Balinese philosophy of balancing the relationship between God, man and his environment. The village won various national and international awards. Take a walk in Penglipuran village, tourists can find houses with traditional Balinese architecture. The village is also clean, there are no trash cans in the villagers’ yard. Last year, Penglipuran village won Kalpataru because of its efforts to protect…

The Legendary Gladak Perak Bridge in Lumajang

Gladak PerakAfter 1925, the Dutch Indies Government saw the need to build a bridge to connect the Road passing East and Southeast of Semeru Mountain. Even though it is very difficult to build this bridge, it is still carried out with simple equipment, so that it takes a lot of workers victims who fall into the abyss. After the bridge was built, it was painted silver. Since then this bridge is known as the Silver Deck (Gladak Perak). During the war of independence in 1947. The silver deck on the…