Dayak People, The Real Borneo Itself

Dayak People Dakay people or Daya or Dyak are the indigenous peopleof Borneo Island, Indonesia. They live in groups in mountains, outbacks and they are such a terrestrial group, a group who live in land, not in marine zone. Dayak people are divided into some sub-ethnics that have different language and even different way of living. Shortly, Dayak is referred to Ngaju People or Ot Danum tribe who stays in South Borneo. While, in general, Dayak is referred to the 6 tribes of Dayak; [Kenyah-Kayan-Bahau],[Ot Danum],[Iban],[Murut],[Klemantan] and [Punan]. Those six…

The Manificent Asmat People

Asmat People Asmat tribe is one of Indonesian indigenous tribe that live in New Guinea, part of Papua province. The population of Asmat people is divided into two areas, those who are live in coastal area and rural area. Those two groups are very different one and another, in case of the dialect, the way of living, social structure and ritual. The population of the coastal group are then divided into two sub ethnic groups, which is Bisman people who live in Sinesty River and Nin Rirver, also the group…

The Pride To Be The Bugis

The Bugis Bugis people is one of Indonesian ethnic which are the inhabitant of South Sulawesi. This tribe is the biggest three after Javanese and Sundanese. Beside the indigenous who live in South Sulawesi, the immigrant of Minangkabau who wander from Sumatra to Sulawesi and the Malay people are being called as Bugis people. At present time, The Bugis is spread to all over Indonesia like Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Tengah, Papua, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Selatan even to going abroad. Bugis people are the the most group who insist to spread…

The Bajo And The Ocean

Bajo People Bajo people, is one of Indonesian ethnic tribe who live nomad and spread all over the Indonesia area. Bajo people or Bajau or Sama Bajo was mentioned on folk tale that their ancestor was come from Johor, Malaysia. The King of Johor gave command to the Its People to found out the Princess who escaped. This people was looking for princess to some places into Sulawesi. It was mentioned that the princess is no longer want to come back to Johor, but she choices to stay at Sulawesi.…