Some Of The Uninhabited Islands In Indonesia

Batu Legundi Island

This island is one of the uninhabited islands in Indonesia. Batu Legundi island is administratively located in Punduh Pidata, Pesawaran regency, Lampung.

Batu Merah Island - South Lampung

Batu Merah Island

Batu Merah Island, or Red Rock island is located in Rajabasa, South Lampung. The topography of this island is generally reddish brown coral with small covered area. The vegetation is dominated by pilot plant in some of the area. This island is also uninhabited.

Batumandi Island - South Lampung

Batumandi Island

The island is generally in the form of chunks of rock with a very small area and there is no vegetation on it. This island is an uninhabited island.

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